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SPK Engineering's past projects

S.R. 0006 Section A02

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $1.48 million
Contact: Mr. Mark Kucherer, P.E. (814-765-0440)
Client: Engineering District 2-0
Project Letting - 2007

US 6/Allegheny River Bridge Replacement  - This project included a single span (63’ c/c brgs.) prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge with integral abutments. The abutments and bridge barrier included a brick architectural surface treatment to complement an adjacent historic building. The project included 280’ of approach roadway reconstruction. The project also included minor intersection and roadway improvements on a local street network in Coudersport to accommodate detoured traffic during construction of the bridge. The detour was comprised partially of a pair of one-way roads in a residential community and included two temporary traffic signals.