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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Tag: District 2-0

S.R. 1001, Section C01 (ECMS #3850)

Michael Kilgore

Project Cost: $5.5 million
Client: PennDOT District 2-0
Contact: Mark Kucherer, P.E. (814-765-0440,
Project letting: May 12, 2022
Roadway Reconstruction and Retaining Wall - Clinton County - This project was originally 1.2 miles in length with significant geometric improvements on S.R. 1001 (Farrandsville Road). The project was eventually right-sized to 1,400’ of roadway improvements and reconstruction and included an 800’ tied pile and lagging retaining wall with an integral pedestrian walkway to minimize encroachment on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River.

S.R. 4013, Section A03

Michael Kilgore





$1.201 million
Client: PennDOT District 2-0;
Contact: Mark Kucherer, P.E. (814-765-0440,;
Project Letting: November 30, 2021

Structure replacement - Potter County, Allegheny Township - Replacement of a 2-span T-beam bridge carrying S.R. 4013 (North Hollow Road) over the Allegheny River with a prestressed bulb-tee bridge (70.5’+ span). The project also included 480’ of approach roadway reconstruction.

S.R. 0949 Section A01

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $1.14 million
Client: PennDOT District 2-0
Contact: Mark Kucherer, P.E. (814-765-0440,
Project Letting: March 4, 2021

S.R. 0949, Section A01 - Pipe Replacement - This project consists of the replacement of a deteriorated metal plate pipe arch carrying S.R. 0949 over Maxwell Run with a precast concrete box culvert. Traffic will be maintained via a temporary roadway constructed downstream of the existing structure. 250’ of approach roadway reconstruction is included.