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SPK Engineering's past projects

S.R. 0403 Section 008

Michael Kilgore

Price: $4.13 million
Client: Engineering District 9-0
Contact: Kristen Swan (814-696-6840) or Alice Hammond (814-696-7172);
Project Letting 2012

Silk Memorial Bridge Replacement - This project included a two span (226.5’ overall) steel girder bridge to replace the existing deteriorated concrete closed-spandrel arch bridge over the Stoneycreek River. The bridge detailing included architectural surface treatments on the pier and barrier systems. The pedestrian barrier was also detailed to mimic the existing open baluster system complete with architectural lighting. Extensive coordination with area utilities and the USCOE was necessary to advance the project through utility clearance and environmental permitting respectively. 


S.R. 0119 Section 10K

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $28.1 million
Client: PennDOT Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. Troy Pritts, P.E. (724-415-2401)
Project Letting - 2011
Past Performance Rating - Exceeds Expectations

Jacob’s Creek Bridge - Fayette & Westmoreland Counties - This project includes the replacement of a 21-span bridge carrying S.R. 0119 over Jacob’s Creek, a railroad, and the Coal & Coke Trail. The replacement structure is a nine (9) span bridge with an overall length of 1,144’. The project also includes 1,285’ of approach roadway reconstruction.


PTC WB-228

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $3.62 million
Client: PA Turnpike Commission
Contact: Ken Slippey, (717-939-9551x-5150)
Project Letting 2012

PTC WB-228 Bridge Replacement - This bridge replacement project carrying S.R. 0989 over the mainline PTC. The replacement structure is a two-span (177’-10 ½” overall span) precast concrete bulb-tee bridge, sized to accommodate the future widening of the PA Turnpike.