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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

SR 4012, Section A10 (Brush Creek Road over Brush Creek)

Michael Kilgore

Cost: 1.9 Million
Client: PennDOT District 12-0
Contact: PennDOT Project Manager:  James D. Sisul 724-439-7379 or
SPK Project Manager: Patrick B. Richter, P.E. 724-439-1600 or

SR 4012, Section A10 (Brush Creek Road over Brush Creek) is located in Manor Borough and Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County. The project consisted of the replacement of the existing single span concrete arch bridge carrying SR 4012 over Brush Creek with a new Sixty-Five Foot (65’)Single Span Steel Girder Bridge on Integral Abutments. The project was let on April 13, 2023. Work started on April 8, 2024 and was completed on September 16, 2024. The contractor was The Beaver Excavating Company, Inc. from Canton, Ohio for a low bid amount of $1,979,867.00.

PA 21 Improvements Plan - Selection!

Michael Kilgore

We are extremely pleased to announce that the SPK Team was selected November 9th for the PA 21 Improvements Plan
for PennDOT Engineering District 12-0!

A project specific open-ended agreement will be executed to perform studies, preliminary engineering, final design, services during construction and right of way acquisition services for the PA 21 Improvements Project. Approximate limits for the project would be limited to the portion of PA 21 between US 19 in Waynesburg to US 40 in Uniontown. An in-depth and complex study will be completed for development and analysis of possible concepts to meet Pennsylvania Route 21 (PA 21) corridor purpose and needs; and to develop design strategies to improve safety and mobility on the transportation network. 

We are excited to begin this new assignment for PennDOT District 12-0!!

S.R. 0019 Section A20

Michael Kilgore



Cost: $782,385
Client: PennDOT District 12-0
Contact: Jeremy Shaneyfelt, P.E. (724-439-7321)
Project Letting: October 2021

S.R. 0019, Section A20 (ECMS #76027) - - Greene County - The project consisted of the replacement of the existing slab bridge carrying SR 0019 over Shannon Run with a precast reinforced concrete box culvert. Approach roadway construction was minimal. Wades Run, which parallels S.R. 0019 to the west, was relocated away from roadway in order to accommodate the roadway typical and fill slopes and to minimize future slope maintenance. To mitigate for the stream impacts, items including in-stream log structures and tree plantings were included with the project. Traffic was maintained via detour during construction.