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SPK Engineering's past projects

The Life Cycle of a Project

Michael Kilgore

Angela Baker, Planning and Programming Manager, Patrick Richter, SPK Project Manager, Chad Basinger, Swank Construction Company and Domenic Caruso, Construction ACE presented “The Life Cycle of a Project” at the District 12 Winter Construction School held at PennWest California University on Friday February 14, 2025.

I-70 Modernization and Investment

Michael Kilgore

PennDOT District 12 presented the I-70 Modernization and Investment at the 30th Annual Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference 2024 in State College.

From Right to Left:


Jeremy Shaneyfelt, P.E.,  Portfolio Manager - Overview and Innovations

Angela Baker, Transportation Planning Manager - Asset Management and Funding

Patrick Richter, P.E.,  SPK Project Manager - SR 0070, Section 10K Bentleyville to Belle Vernon Bridge (B2B)

Bill Beaumariage, P.E., ADE-Construction – Lessons Learned

Sean Sepe, P.E., PennDOT Project Manager – SR 0070, Section 10K Bentleyville to Belle Vernon Bridge (B2B)

ACEC/PA Fall Day

Michael Kilgore

SPK (Ally Baird, Pat Richter, and Perry Schweiss)  attended the ACEC/PA Fall Day in Hershey, PA on Wednesday November 20th. Ally participated as part the “Panel of Emerging Leaders”. The panel discussed a variety of topics, including how they see the future of the transportation industry adapting to the use of new technology, challenges they have faced as they’ve entered leadership roles, and how to connect and engage with younger individuals just entering the industry.