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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Tag: Causeway

S.R. 3012 Section B10

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $1.94 Mil.
Client: Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Troy Pritts, P.E.(724-415-2401)
Project Letting - July 6, 2006

This project included the development of the Design-Build Contract for the removal and reconstruction of the original bridge carrying S.R. 3012 (County Road) over Sewickley Creek in Sewickley and South Huntingdon Townships. The original bridge was a two (2) span reinforced concrete through-girder bridge (117’ overall span). The structure concept presented in the Design-Build contract was a two (2) span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge. SPK developed the preliminary design concepts that included an access road and causeway for removal and reconstruction of the center pier. The Department successfully obtained the required Authorization-to-Enter, Non-Waiver of Claim for the impacted properties to permit the construction activities to advance as the Right-of-Way acquisition activities advanced.