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SPK Engineering's past projects

S.R. 0079 Section Q10

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $23.0 Million
Project Length - 10 Miles
Client: PennDOT Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. Jerry Bendo, P.E. (724-439-7377)
Project Letting 1997

Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction - Greene and Washington Counties -This project included a Dual Single 63' Span Composite Prestressed Concrete Bridge carrying S.R. 0079 over T.R. 512; a Dual Three-Span (Overall Span Length 233') Continuous Composite Prestressed Concrete Bridge carrying S.R. 0079 over S.R. 2020 and Tenmile Creek; a Dual Three-Span (Overall span length 88') Continuous Composite Prestressed Concrete Bridge carrying S.R. 0079 over T.R. 357; and a Dual Single 156' Max. Span Composite Steel Bridge carrying S.R. 0079 over S.R. 0019. It also included the reconstruction of a Partial Cloverleaf Interchange between S.R. 0079 (I-79) with S.R. 2020.