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SPK Engineering's past projects

S.R. 2016 Section A01

Michael Kilgore


Cost: $2.26 Million
Client: Engineering District 2-0
Contact: Mr. Mark Kucherer, P.E. (814-765-0440)
Project Letting - August 2014

This project consists of a two span continuous (140’ overall c/c brgs) prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge carrying S.R. 2016 (Main Street) over Fishing Creek. The project also included retaining a portion of the existing bridge to maintain pedestrian traffic during construction, and 1,050 LF of approach roadway reconstruction.

S.R. 0088 Section 10R

Michael Kilgore




Emergency Retaining Wall Replacement
Project Cost: $3.89 million
County: Washington County
Client: PennDOT District 12-0
Contact: Mr. James Sisul, P.E. (724-439-7379)

 This project involved the expedited design and construction of a failing concrete cribwall. Several options were investigated focusing on tie-back pile and lagging alternatives that permitted the existing wall to remain and minimize the impacts to Tenmile Creek. A hybrid anchored sheet pile-drilled pile retaining wall was advanced based on a collaborative effort with District Design and Construction staff, geotechnical design services provided by Earth, Inc., and a contractor. The initial meeting was held on the project site June 13, 2013 (Emergency Proclamation dated June 11, 2013). SPK delivered the final mylars July 31, 2013 for construction.

S.R. 0356 Sections 06M/152

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $69 million
Client: PennDOT District 10-0
Contact: Mr. Mark Rozich, P.E. (724-357-2852
Client: Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. Troy Pritts, P.E. (724-415-2401)
Project Letting - June 2010

Freeport Bridge Rehabilitation - Westmoreland, Allegheny, Butler & Armstrong Counties - This project consisted of the major rehabilitation of the Freeport Bridge, reconstruction and realignment of the approach roadways, and replacement of the Buffalo Creek Bridge. The design for the Freeport Bridge included the replacement of the approach spans and rehabilitation/widening of the main river truss spans (performed by others). The Buffalo Creek Bridge replacement structure is a three (3) span P/S Concrete AASHTO I-Beam Bridge (340’ total). The project also included two (2) traffic signals, highway lighting, and a sewer relocation plan. SPK worked closely with both District 10-0 and District 12-0 throughout the design process.