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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Tag: Signing

S.R. 0119 Section 133

Michael Kilgore

Project Length: 2.3 miles
Client: PennDOT Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. Bill Oshnack (724-439-7321)

Roadway Widening - This project involved the widening of approximately 2.3 miles of S.R. 0119 to accommodate left turn stacking lanes, mounted curbs, and a concrete median barrier at three intersections. The scope of work involved resurfacing, milling, patching, and shoulder reconstruction. New traffic signals were proposed at seven intersections. Pavement markings and signing were also proposed to address safety concerns in the project area. Skelly and Loy prepared a CEE for the project, which received environmental clearance in December 1999.