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SPK Engineering's past projects

SR 4012, Section A10 (Brush Creek Road over Brush Creek)

Michael Kilgore

Cost: 1.9 Million
Client: PennDOT District 12-0
Contact: PennDOT Project Manager:  James D. Sisul 724-439-7379 or
SPK Project Manager: Patrick B. Richter, P.E. 724-439-1600 or

SR 4012, Section A10 (Brush Creek Road over Brush Creek) is located in Manor Borough and Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County. The project consisted of the replacement of the existing single span concrete arch bridge carrying SR 4012 over Brush Creek with a new Sixty-Five Foot (65’)Single Span Steel Girder Bridge on Integral Abutments. The project was let on April 13, 2023. Work started on April 8, 2024 and was completed on September 16, 2024. The contractor was The Beaver Excavating Company, Inc. from Canton, Ohio for a low bid amount of $1,979,867.00.

PSU Career Fair

Michael Kilgore

We Are attending the Penn State Career Fair at the Bryce Jordan Center. Please stop by today (September 26, 2024) and talk with our representatives (and PSU Alumni!) Ally Baird and Rob Neubauer.