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SPK Engineering's past projects

S.R. 0011, Sections 114/115 & SR 0487, Section 100

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $6.8 million
Client: PennDOT District 3-0
Contact: Justin Gochenauer, P.E. (717-221-2010)
Project Letting: September 17, 2020

Bloomsburg Reconstruction Project - Columbia County - This project consists of 1.371 miles of urban arterial roadway resurfacing/reconstruction, drainage and guide rail updates, pedestrian facility improvements, retaining walls, intersection safety improvements including new traffic signals, roadway lighting and parking meters, and other miscellaneous items.

S.R. 0462, Section 052

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $6.38 million
Client: PennDOT District 8-0
Contact: Benjamin Singer, P.E. (
Project Letting: April 22, 2021


S.R. 0462, Section 052 (ECMS #111664) - York County - This project was the replacement of an existing two span non-composite prestressed concrete adjacent box beam bridge with a single span bridge consisting of modular steel girder/precast concrete deck/precast abutments, wingwalls, and approach slabs. Due to the type and condition of the existing bridge, and the critical nature of the roadway to the community, the project was advanced utilizing Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) methods. The new bridge, which includes deep pile foundations, was constructed within a 35 day road closure and detour.  This method of construction minimized impacts to the traveling public and the community of York.