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SPK Engineering's past projects

S.R. 3006, Section 350 (Catfish Run Bridge)

Michael Kilgore



Cost: $641,400
Client: PennDOT District 10-0
Jason Layman (724-357-7614)
Project Letting: May 2018

Superstructure Replacement - Clarion County - This project consisted of the removal of an existing steel through-girder superstructure and installation of a multi-steel girder superstructure (47’ span). The bridge work also included partial removal of the existing stone abutments and reconstruction of concrete caps to accommodate the new superstructure. There is 345’ of approach roadway reconstruction included.

S.R. 1009 Cold Springs Road Improvement

Michael Kilgore



Cost: $578,693
Project Letting: January 2017
Client: Borough of Huntingdon (PennDOT District 9-0 Oversight
Contact: Tracey Farabaugh, P.E., Project Manager, 814-696-6841)

Huntingdon Borough - Huntingdon County - This project was located at the intersection of Cold Springs Road and Moore Street, adjacent to Juniata College. The project involved a partnering effort between the Borough of Huntingdon and Juniata College, and was administered by PennDOT Engineering District 9-0. Project details included 530 feet of roadway improvements, a driveway realignment for safety, and drainage upgrades.


Michael Kilgore



Cost: $787,000
Client: PennDOT District 3-0
Contact: Tim Bolton, P.E. (570-368-4328)
Project Letting: August 2019

Bridge Replacement - Lycoming County - McIntyre and Cascade Townships - The project involved the replacement of an existing single span open-grate steel I-beam bridge carrying T-665 (Pleasant Stream Road) over Pleasant Stream with a single span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge (59-0” span). The bridge foundations consisted of cantilevered abutments supported by spread footings founded on bedrock. The project also included 375’ of approach roadway work.