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SPK Engineering's past projects


Michael Kilgore



Cost: $576,422
Client: PennDOT District 3-0
Contact: Tim Bolton, P.E. (570-368-4328)
Project Letting: September 2019

Bridge Replacement - Snyder County - Spring Township - The project involved the replacement of an existing single span steel I-beam bridge carrying T-469 (Sawmill Road) over Swift Run with a 22’-0” x 8’-0” precast reinforced concrete box culvert and precast reinforced concrete end sections. The project also included 525’ of approach roadway work.


S.R. 0147, Section 110 & S.R. 0011, Section 113

Michael Kilgore


Cost: $13.7 million
Client: PennDOT District 3-0
Contact: Chris Neidig (570-368-4391)
Project Letting: April 20, 2017

Northumberland County - This project consisted of 2.14 miles of Urban Regional Arterial roadway reconstruction in the Borough of Northumberland where the two high volume routes converge. A detailed multi-phase (15 total with detailed sub-phases) traffic control sequence was developed and coordinated with the community, including business owners, emergency services, residents, and public officials. The phases include mini-detours through the community carefully designated to minimize the duration the local streets are utilized for routing traffic during construction. The project also includes numerous ADA ramps, two signals, and sewer and waterline relocations. An extensive Subsurface Utility Investigation (SUE) was performed to aid in identifying impacts and assess the drainage and utility relocation designs. Several overhead utilities are being relocated and coordinated as part of the project.

TR-458 Jones Hill Road

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $483,670
Client: PennDOT District 1-0
Contact: Tom McClelland, P.E. (814-678-7081)
Project Letting: December 2018

Bridge Replacement - Warren County - Sugar Grove Township - The project involved the replacement of an existing single span concrete encased steel I-beam bridge carrying T-458 (Jones Hill Road) over Stillwater Creek with a 24’-0” x 7’-6” precast reinforced concrete box culvert and precast reinforced concrete end sections. The project also included 260’ of approach roadway work.