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SPK Engineering's past projects

SPK Job Shadow

Michael Kilgore



Connor Nichols and Ian Wallace freshman at Uniontown
Highschool job shadowed at SPK Engineering on Friday March 13th.

After the job shadowing at SPK Engineering, Connor and
Ian toured the Ohiopyle Construction project.

Possible future Civil Engineers.

S.R. 2030 Section F10

Michael Kilgore


Project Cost: $1.1 Million
Client: PennDOT Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. James Sisul (724-439-7379)
Project Letting: March 2019
Construction Completed: October 2019

SR 2030, Section F10 (California Drive over Gorby Run) – This project involved the replacement of the existing single span steel girder bridge with the new precast reinforced concrete rigid frame. Roadway geometry has now been improved along with intersection re-alignment at SR 2030 and North California Drive. Additionally, intersection sight distance within the project area has been improved. Traffic was maintained throughout construction via detour. 

S.R. 3017, Section A04 (Gill Hall Road Bridge)

Michael Kilgore





Cost: $905,585 (estimate)
Client: PennDOT District 11-0
Contact: Anthony Annett, P.E. (412-429-5030)
Scheduled Project Letting: June 2018

S.R. 3017, Section A04 (Gill Hall Road Bridge) - This project involves the rehabilitation of an existing single span steel I-beam bridge carrying S.R. 3017 (Gill Hall Road) over Peters Creek. The rehabilitation activities included deck replacement, beam repair and painting, bearing replacement, minor substructure modifications, and the addition of modified approach slabs to accommodate a widened bridge deck.