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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

S.R. 0070 Section K10

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $73.3 million
Client: PennDOT District 12-0
Contact: Sean Sepe, P.E. (724-439-7322)
Project Letting: November 2017

S.R. 0031 Interchange (Exit 51) Reconstruction and Dual Bridge Replacement - This project included studying interchange reconfiguration options, and bridge replacement alternatives (dual I-70 mainline bridges over S.R. 0031 with substandard underclearance and one Township Road Bridge over mainline I-70). Safety was a primary design component, particularly with the substandard ramp alignments and weaving patterns. The SPK team evaluated several interchange reconfigurations including a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI), a Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI), and variations with traffic circles at the ramp termini. The final configuration selected for final design was a modified diamond interchange; primarily due to the prevailing topography. Final design included a complex STIC initiative Design/Build traffic control plan to maintain two lanes of uninterrupted traffic in each direction throughout the construction duration. In order to accomplish this, mainline I-70 embankments were widened, structures were widened to allow placement of the concrete longitudinal joints at 6’ or 12’. During construction, a short section of I-70 will have 3 lanes on one side and 1 lane on the other to accommodate bridge construction at the interchange. S.R. 0031 is being widened to include a center turn lane. The length of S.R. 0070 reconstruction is 3.2 miles.


S.R. 1009 Section F10

Michael Kilgore




Cost: $2.54 million
Client: PennDOT District 12-0
Contact: James Sisul, P.E. (
Project Letting: April 30, 2020

S.R. 1009, Section F10 (ECMS #30687) - Washington County - This project was the replacement of a closed spandrel arch with a modular steel girder/precast concrete deck/precast abutments, wingwalls, and approach slabs. Due to the type and condition of the existing arch, and the critical nature of the roadway to the community, the project was advanced utilizing Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) methods. The new bridge, which includes deep pile foundations, was constructed within a 30 day road closure and detour.  This method of construction minimized impacts to the traveling public and the community of Houston Borough.

S.R. 0981, Section SIG

Michael Kilgore


Cost: $3.47 million
Client: PennDOT District 12-0
Contact: Brian Svesnik (724-415-2400)
Project Letting: October 2019

Roadway Improvement - Westmoreland County - This project was for the replacement of nine existing traffic signals and the upgrade of an additional traffic signal located along S.R. 0981 and Ligonier Streets in the City of Latrobe.  This project also included the upgrade of all intersection to accommodate ADA. S.R. 0981 and Ligonier Street  were also milled and overlaid.