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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

S.R. 0030 Section 136

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $1.5 million
Project Length: 3,719' (0.704 mile)
Client: PennDOT Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. William Oshnack (724-439-7321)

Roadway Construction - The project involved the widening of Route 30 in North Huntingdon Township to accommodate left turn lanes. Surface improvements and the replacement of two traffic signals at the Malts Lane intersection and the Lincoln Way intersection were also included with the project



T.R. 618

Michael Kilgore

 Project Cost: $56 Million
 Client: Donegal Construction
Contact: Mr. Ronald Holsopple (724-423-7500)

(Simpson Chapel Road) - Greene County - This project is a design-build contract to replace a collapsed bridge with a single lane dual-cell box culvert (2 - 21’ spans) for Greene County. The project also included 350 LF of roadway reconstruction. SPK prepared the final construction plan and structure plan, E&S Control plan, and the GP-11 permit application for the contractor.

S.R. 0030, Section 134

Michael Kilgore

Project Cost: $7.9 Million
Contact - Mr. Bill Oshnack (724) 439-7321
Project Letting - December 2011
Roadway Widening and Safety Improvements - Westmoreland County -  Project Length - 1.5 miles - The project consisted of widening an urban arterial to five lanes with turning lanes and intersection improvements. The project is located in a highly commercialized area. The Traffic Control Plan provided the contractor flexibility while maintaining four lanes of traffic during peak hours. In-depth utility coordination was started early to ensure the project schedule was met. Design work consisted of drainage improvements, storm water management facilities, traffic signal upgrades, geotechnical design and signing and pavement marking upgrades.