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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

S.R. 0040, Section 108

Michael Kilgore

Project Cost:  $4.0 million
Contact: Mr. James Sisul (724) 439-7379
Project letting - March 2009

West Chestnut Street Widening - Washington County - SPK provided preliminary and final design engineering services for a 1.25 mile widening and resurfacing project through a heavily traveled urban corridor. SPK completed pavement, drainage, retaining wall, sidewalk/ADA and traffic signal design services and coordinated a substantial utility relocation effort. SPK worked closely with the District by leading public and public officials meetings with property owners to address public concerns regarding parking, driveways, right-of-way takes, landscaping and building entry.

S.R. 3012 Section B10

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $1.94 Mil.
Client: Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Troy Pritts, P.E.(724-415-2401)
Project Letting - July 6, 2006

This project included the development of the Design-Build Contract for the removal and reconstruction of the original bridge carrying S.R. 3012 (County Road) over Sewickley Creek in Sewickley and South Huntingdon Townships. The original bridge was a two (2) span reinforced concrete through-girder bridge (117’ overall span). The structure concept presented in the Design-Build contract was a two (2) span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge. SPK developed the preliminary design concepts that included an access road and causeway for removal and reconstruction of the center pier. The Department successfully obtained the required Authorization-to-Enter, Non-Waiver of Claim for the impacted properties to permit the construction activities to advance as the Right-of-Way acquisition activities advanced.


S.R. 1030 Section B10

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $700,000
Project Length: 3,043' (0.576 mile)
Client: PennDOT Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Matt Skovera (Retired)

Roadway Construction - The project involved the reconstruction and resurfacing of S.R. 1030 (Scott Street) through the Monogahela Industrial Development Association (M.I.D.A.) industrial park. The improvements feature a widened two lane facility, new pavement, curb, storm sewer, and a new concrete railroad crossing.