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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

S.R. 2017 Section B10

Michael Kilgore

 Cost: $592,000
Client: PennDOT Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Bill Oshnack (724-439-7321)

Structure Replacement over a Tributary of Sewickley Creek - This project includes replacing a single span reinforced concrete slab bridge with a 9’-0” x 6’-6” precast reinforced concrete box culvert. The project also included approximately 200’ of approach roadway work. 

S.R. 0018 Section V10

Michael Kilgore



Project Cost: - $1.879 Million
Client: PennDOT District 12-0
Project Letting - 2008

Greene County - This project consisted of replacing a two-span bridge with a two-span (147.1’ overall span) bridge over the South Fork of Tenmile Creek. The project included 575’ of approach roadway reconstruction and was constructed in phases. SPK developed the conceptual plans and specifications for a Department Design-Build project. SPK also provided design review and construction consultation on the project.

S.R. 4049 Section A11

Michael Kilgore

Ribbon Cutting

Cost: $7.52 Mil.
Client - Engineering District 12-0
Contact: James Sisul - 724-439-7379
Project Letting - March 9, 2006

This project included the development of the Design-Build Best Value Contract for the reconstruction of the original bridge carrying S.R. 4049 (North Main Street) over S.R. 0070 in South Strabane Township. The original bridge was a four (4) span prestressed concrete adjacent box beam bridge (273’ overall span). The structure concept presented in the Design-Build contract was a two (2) span prestressed concrete AASHTO I-Beam bridge. The demolition of the original bridge was included in a separate contract. SPK developed preliminary design concepts that contained all construction within the legal Right-of-Way.