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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

S.R. 2045, Section B10

Michael Kilgore

During Construction

During Construction

Project Cost:  $346,000
Client: Donegal Construction (Design-Build Contractor)/Engineering District 12-0 (Owner)
Contact: Ron Holsopple (Contractor - 724-423-7500 x 210)
Bill Oshnack (PennDOT - 724-439-7321)

Structure Replacement over Twomile Run - Westmoreland County - This project included the replacement of a single span steel bridge with a single span prestressed concrete spread box beam integral abutment bridge (44’ c-c brgs.). The project also included 215 LF of approach roadway work.

S.R. 0056 & S.R. 4048, Section 167

Michael Kilgore

 Project Cost: $3.0 Million
Contact: Mr. Jerome Bendo (724) 439-7377
Project Letting - January 2006

Hyde Park Road to the S.R. 4048 and S.R. 0356 Intersection - Westmoreland County -  SPK provided preliminary and final design engineering services for a 1.2 mile widening and resurfacing project.  The project consisted of widening an existing two-lane roadway to accommodate center left turn lanes throughout the roadway corridor between two (2) major traffic routes.  SPK completed pavement, drainage, traffic signal, traffic control, signing & pavement marking, and erosion & sediment pollution control design services.  SPK coordinated lengthy utility relocation efforts for overhead and underground facilities and worked closely with the Department to address traffic control concerns relative to high traffic volumes generated by the Kiski Area School District. 


S.R. 0136, Sections A10/109

Michael Kilgore

 Project Cost: $3.7 Million
Client: Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. William Oshnack (724-439-7321)
Project Letting - 1997

(Roadway Reconstruction and Bridge Replacement) Washington County - This project included a Two-Span (Overall span length – 154’) Continuous Composite Prestressed Concrete Bridge carrying S.R. 0136 over S.R. 0070 (I-70).  This project also included improvements to 3,925’ (0.743 mile) of S. R. 0136 (Beau Street).  Two (2) new traffic signals, one (1) at Township Road 919 (Clare Drive) and one (1) at S.R. 1014 (Lakeview Drive)/ Washington Mall Entrance, were constructed as part of this project.