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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

S.R. 2005 Section UNK

Michael Kilgore

Project Cost: $1.3 Million
Client: Cumberland Coal Resources, LP
in cooperation with PennDOT Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. Patrick Richter (724-430-4499)
Project Letting - 2011

Greene County - This project was the replacement of an existing arch structure carrying S.R. 2005 (Polecat Hollow Road) over a railroad spur for Cumberland Coal Resources, LP (CCR) which was damaged due to mine subsidence. SPK was retained by CCR to perform the replacement studies and final construction plans. The design was coordinated with PennDOT District 12-0 since it is a state-owned facility. The replacement structure was a precast concrete arch structure (28’ clear span) with precast wingwalls and spandrel walls (ConSpan product). The design and fabrication was coordinated with ConTech Solutions, for an efficient construction process. The project also included 440 LF of roadway reconstruction.

S.R. 2045, Section D10

Michael Kilgore

Project Cost: $385,000
Client: Donegal Construction (Design-Build Contractor)/Engineering District 12-0 (Owner)
Contact: Ron Holsopple (Contractor - 724-423-7500 x 210)
Bill Oshnack (PennDOT - 724-439-7321)

Structure Replacement over Twomile Run - Westmoreland County - This project included the replacement of a single span steel bridge with a single span prestressed concrete spread box beam integral abutment bridge (59’ c-c brgs.). The project also included 236 LF of approach roadway work.

S.R. 3113 Section BR1

Michael Kilgore



Ferncliff Drive Bridge Emergency Superstructure Replacement and Rehabilitation - This project included the
phased removal and reconstruction of a collision-damaged bridge over Interstate 70.