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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

S.R. 0019 Section G10 Phoebe Run

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $1.97 Million
Client: PennDOT Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. Patrick Richter, P.E. (724-439-7237)

Two Bridge Replacements - Greene County - This project includes the expedited replacement of two substandard bridges carrying S.R. 0019 over Whiteley Creek and Dyers Fork; the replacement spans are 41.5' and 63.0' respectively. The S.R. 0019 upgrades are needed to provide an alternate route for Interstate 79 traffic due to predicted mining subsidence.

S.R. 1042, Section A01

Michael Kilgore

(Alle-Kiski Connector Needs Study) - Allegheny and Westmoreland Counties - This project included the investigation, documentation, and approval of the project needs for the Alle-Kiski Connector Needs Study.  The Needs Study identified and documented the current and projected transportation deficiencies of the existing roadway network between the involved communities of the project area and defined what components or operational characteristics of the existing transportation system are deficient and require improvement.  The needs document provided a guideline for the development and evaluation of alternatives and clearly illustrates the effects of taking no action (no-build alternative).

S.R. 0019, Section N00

Michael Kilgore

Client: Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. Gary Barber, PE (724-439-7158)

Washington and Jefferson College - Design Build Conceptual Plan - Washington County - This project included reconstruction of College and Lincoln Streets in the City of Washington and also ADA ramps and traffic signals.