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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

S.R. 0070, Section 10Q

Michael Kilgore

Project Cost: $8.62 Million
Client: Engineering District 12-0
Contact: Mr. Jerry Bendo (724-439-7377)
Project Letting: June 2010

 Bridge Replacement - Westmoreland County - This project is a design-build bridge replacement project. The project included the removal of a dual three-span bridge carrying Interstate 70 (I-70) eastbound and westbound over a single track of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad. SPK prepared the conceptual contract plans and specifications including the roadway plans, traffic control plans, E&S control plans, and structure plans. SPK is currently providing design review services as well.

S.R. 0188 Section A10

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $3.0 million
Client: Engineering District 12-0
Contact: William Oshnack (724-439-7321)
Project Letting: December 2008

Bridge Replacement over South Fork of Tenmile Creek - This project consisted of a single span (125’) P/S box beam replacement bridge, constructed off line to both improve the alignment of S.R. 0188 and permit traffic to be maintained throughout construction on the original bridge. The project included 1,850 LF of approach roadway reconstruction and incorporated sewer line relocation.

S.R. 0166 Section N10

Michael Kilgore

Project Cost: $0.822 Million

Fayette County - This project consisted of replacing a single span bridge with a single span (18’ span) culvert over Dunlap Creek. The project included approximately 300’ of approach roadway reconstruction and was constructed in phases. SPK developed the conceptual plans and specifications for a Department Design-Build project. SPK also provided design review and construction consultation on the project.