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SPK Engineering's past projects

Filtering by Category: District 12

S.R. 0166 Section V10

Michael Kilgore

Project Cost: $1.688 million
Client: Frank Gavlik & Sons, Inc.
Contact: Mr. Robert Gavlik, Jr. (724-239-2411)
Project Letting: December 2010

Bridge Replacement - Fayette County - This project is a design-build bridge replacement project. The project included the removal of a two span bridge carrying S.R. 0166 over Dunlap Creek. The replacement structure is a single span (115’ span) P/S Bulb-Tee Integral Abutment Bridge. SPK prepared the final construction plans, E&S Control plans, and structure plans for the contractor.

S.R. 4006 Section 11R

Michael Kilgore

$3.6 million (estimated construction cost)
Client: Engineering District 12-0
Project Manager - Mr. Barry Lyons (724-439-7336)
Project Letting - To be determined

New Salem Road - Widening and Resurfacing - Fayette County -  This project consists of widening and resurfacing to provide two through lanes in each direction on S.R. 4006 (New Salem Road), additional lanes on the intersecting Matthew Drive approaches, and improvements to the drainage, signing and pavement markings and traffic signals. Construction of a parking lot to mitigate impacts to an adjacent business will also be part of the project. Critical design activity is maintaining traffic through the project and ingress/egress to businesses during construction.

S.R. 2019 Section A10

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $1.1 Million
Client: PennDOT Engineering District 12-0

Cucumber Run Bridge Replacement and Roadway Improvements - This project included a Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert which was presented the 1998 Pennsylvania Quality Initiative (PQI) Award for best structure (150 ft. or less). It also included 1,500 feet of realigned roadway and the construction of a parking area.