Altoona Transportation Improvement Project
Michael Kilgore
Client: Engineering District 9-0
Contact: John Ciprich, P.E., (814) 696-7197
Blair County - This project included the development of a regional Travel Demand Forecasting Model, Needs Study and Alternatives Analysis for multiple corridors in the City of Altoona. SPK and French Engineering LLC (FE) one (1) of the subconsultants we have chosen for this Statement of Interest, developed the Forecasting Model using TransCAD and comprehensive field data collection. SPK and FE used the model to develop the Needs Study for the 17th Street and adjacent corridors, and are currently contributing engineering expertise in the development of the Alternatives Analysis. Our other subconsultant, Skelly & Loy, Inc. (S&L), chosen for this Statement of Interest, provided Socioeconomic Studies and assisted SPK with public involvement. Coordination with local planning officials and the public has been a key component of this project.