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SPK Engineering's past projects


Michael Kilgore

Congratulations to our President Perry M. Schweiss, P.E. on completing his 2018/2019 term as ACEC/PA President. He ended his term as President May 21, 2019 in Nashville, TN at the ACEC/PA Annual Meeting. He will now serve as ACEC/PA’s National Director for 2019/2020.

Women in STEM Education

Michael Kilgore

Caleigh and Ally had the opportunity to be panel members at the 2nd annual W.I.S.E UP (Women in STEM Education) Event. The event was held at Penn State Beaver on May 10th, 2019 for local 7th grade girls. The primary focus is to provide the girls with hands-on workshops in biology, chemistry, engineering, and computer science, to expose them to different STEM related fields they may not know about. Caleigh and Ally, along with three other female panelists from different STEM careers, were able to discuss their personal paths in STEM fields, the good and bad of being a minority group in their careers, and offer words of encouragement to young girls who may consider entering a STEM career.


Summer Internships

Michael Kilgore

SPK would like to welcome Jake DeBerry for the summer after a part time internship this past semester. Also we would like to welcome Sydney French for the summer internship! We are excited to have you onboard this Summer.
