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SPK Engineering's past projects

S.R. 0087 Section 755

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $1.13 million
Client: PennDOT District 4-0
Contact: Denise Youorski (570-963-4998)
Project Letting: August 2017

This project was the replacement of a bridge carrying S.R. 0087 over Miller Brook with a single span prestressed concrete box beam bridge (53.5’ span). Traffic was being maintained via a temporary runaround and included 625’ of approach roadway construction.




PA Turnpike WB-224B Superstructure Replacement

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $5.48 million
Client: PA Turnpike Commission
Contact: Walter W. Wimer, P.E. (717-831-7590)
Project Letting - October 2016

This project was initially the full replacement of a bridge carrying mainline Turnpike over Brush Creek. The project modified the scope for a superstructure-only replacement project, incorporating ABC strategies. The existing superstructure is a two span non-composite adjacent box beam bridge with two lanes in each direction and relatively narrow shoulders. SPK developed final plans for a two span continuous steel superstructure which minimizes the impacts to the Turnpike traffic and utilizes the existing substructure. 


This was the first ABC slide project on PTC
mainline, completed in less than 55 hours
 and won the 2017 Accelerated Bridge
 Construction (ABC) Annual Conference
award for best Superstructure Slide
Project in Miami, FL December 7, 2017.


S.R. 3026 Section B02

Michael Kilgore

Project Cost: $1.3 million
Client: Allison Park Contractors, Inc. / Engineering District 11-0
Contact: Ms. Cheryl Solosky, P.E.
Project Letting – November 2016

Beaver County- The project consists of the replacement of the existing single span steel I-beam bridge carrying SR 3026 (Gas Valley Road) over Branch of South Fork of Tomlinson Run with a precast concrete box culvert.   Minor approach roadway work was also part of the design-build contract.