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SPK Engineering's past projects

S.R. 2002 Section 250

Michael Kilgore







Cost: - $1.663 Million
Client: PennDOT District 10-0
Contact: Ms. Melanie Percha, P.E. (724-357-4804)
Project Letting: October 2015.

(Herman Road Bridge) - Butler County - This project included the phased replacement of a deteriorated two-span non-composite adjacent box beam bridge over Coal Run with a single span shallow fabricated structural steel bridge (73.5’ c-c brgs.). The project also included 505’ of approach roadway construction and pedestrian facilities.

Henry Mancini Bridge - S.R. 3050, Section B01

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $3.2 Million
Client: Engineering District 11-0
Contact: Bob Collins, P.E. (412-429-4928)
Project Letting - August 2015

Beaver County -  This project is the preservation of an existing nine-span steel girder bridge carrying a local road (owned by the City of Aliquippa) over S.R. 0051 NB, tracks of CSX Railroad, and various local streets. The preservation activities include bearing replacement, concrete repairs, superstructure retrofits to convert several simple spans to continuous spans, and partial deck hydrodemolition and latex overlay.


S.R. 0934 Section 004

Michael Kilgore









Cost: $2.9 Million
Client: PennDOT District 8-0
Contact: Mr. Doug Murphy (717-783-3773)
Project Letting: Scheduled 2015

Superstructure Replacement Project in Lebanon County - The existing bridge was a single span steel thru-girder bridge over two active lines of Norfolk Southern Railroad. Traffic needed to be maintained on the existing roadway so SPK studied methods to replace a thru-girder bridge in half-widths, concluding with a design for a steel girder support beam placed near the deck cut line with hangars detailed to support the severed floorbeams. The grade was being increased as well to improve the railroad underclearance.